Smoky Mountains Cabin in the Dogwoods

by Theresa D Williams Smoky Mountains
Smoky Mountains Cabin in the Dogwoods
Theresa D Williams Smoky Mountains
Photograph - Photograph
Bud Ogle historic cabin in the woods of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
April 27th, 2023
Comments (2)

Holly April Harris
Beautiful photo of a beautiful place! I am very pleased to feature your wonderful artwork in the ‘Appalachia America’ group! Please add it to the “2023 Second Quarter FEATURED IMAGES Collection” thread in the discussions area to record and exhibit your image amongst the best in the group. Thank you! 4/28/23

Randy Rosenberger
Bravo! You have been chosen to have your beautiful piece of artwork from your portfolio featured on the homepage of our Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Group. It is with honor an privilege that I have chosen this particular piece of your works to be a feature on our homepage due to its striking appearance, color, composition, and simply the fact that I really like it. Congrats on your feature!
Theresa D Williams Smoky Mountains replied:
Many thanks Randy. I appreciate your decision to feature this particular piece of photographic art.